The main objective of this project is to train an Agent to achieve the best possible score in the Snake game :

  • without knowing any strategy, but only being rewarded when eating apple, and punished when colliding the walls or itself
  • discovering its environment at the First Person (there is no map provided)

The Agent is trained using a Reinforcement Learning technique called “Deep Q-network” (DQN), a Q-Learning variant based on a neural network. The aim of DQN is to estimate the Q function with NN, when the state is becoming too huge for basic Q-Learning.



the input of the NN consists in the encoded game environment, from the Snake point of view :

  • the wall distance in Front Left and Right directions
  • the body distance in Front Left, Right and 4 diagonals directions
  • the apple location (angle)

the ouput consists in one of the 3 possible actions : FORWARD, LEFT, RIGHT

the hidden layer of NN is currently 256


current best results are achieved with :

  • a game board of 12x12
  • gamma (discount rate) of 0.9
  • replay batch of 1000
  • learning rate 0.001
  • and epsilon decay of 0.001 (for exploration/exploitation probability)


  • the Agent trained on 12x12 can also play on lower or hgher dimensions because of the normalized inputs
  • currently has a mean score of 35 (best is 47 so far).

source code